If you are looking for immersive or rich- media content for your E-learning courses we offer extensive experience and expertise in interactive learning content.

We have led innovation in content for E-learning with out work and can help with content design, creative, scripting, video production and interactivity. As E-learning becomes increasingly popular providers are increasingly in need of strong video and immersive learning content for courses.



Client: Rethink Mental Illness

Awards: IVCA CLarion Award

To develop, produce and direct a series of interactive scenarios and films to help train Carers and health professionals in care and confidentiality when working with people who have metal illnesses.
THE PROCESS: We developed with with Rethink and health professionals a series of scenarios which were true to life as possible. Once scripted with the interactive training elements, we cast and developed a visceral and as true to life approach to engage the viewer in scenarios in a subject and objective way in which they might experience during their work.

Our work won an IVCA Clarion Award and received an across the board positive response from the viewers / users that they were true to life and engaged them in their training scenarios in a powerful way. The resource is now used a part of NHS staff mental health training programs.

Seefood has a history of making excellent E-learning content.

We’ve have produced innovative award winning e-learning content to train NHS nurses, to carers of relations with effected by mental health problems and for young people to learn about homelessness. We have also brought workshops on animation and film to children in schools so they can learn to make their own

Check out our project for Shelter here too http://seefood.tv/project/shelter_trapped

We love to inspire, engage and help other learn – get in touch!

T: +44 (0) 207 870 1113
E. email: info@seefood.tv

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